Paz Sanz Fle

Spain, 1968
Women in their full power and in connection with their inner energy. For Paz Sanz Fle, the African woman is a symbol of strength, cheerfulness and determination. Her sculptures are without color, just a “black spirit”, because we could be anyone, regardless of our origin. The eyes closed, we find the strength within. During her work she tries to capture a moment of calm and clarity, it is just women with their full strength and inner energy, without pretensions, in the middle of life full of history and feelings.
With their feminine mysteries. So many things at once: daughters, mothers, partners, mistresses, girlfriends, nurses… efficient, spiritual, women of many worlds. The eyes closed, we find the strength within. Her work is life-size and hardy.
“In my work I try to capture a woman’s moment of peace and clarity, full of inner strength.”