Kitty Tijbosch

Kitty Tijbosch, Van Loon Galleries

The Netherlands, 1969


In 2015, Kitty Tijbosch got hold of a stone, hammer and chisel and she was instantly addicted to sculpting. The unruly material forces patience and focus; stone is unrelenting and offers no rematch. The wavy design and the strong interplay of lines show her graphic background and characterize her style. Where Tijbosch started with imagining (sailing) boats and birds, the sculptures became more and more abstract over time.

In her current series ‘Hemelreikers’ she completely abandons the figuration and focuses on the symbolism and emotional values ​​of the form. Kitty Tijbosch expresses herself best in this form language; movement, flow, expression, desire and growth come together here. The sense of freedom and adventure is embedded in the essence of her work. Kitty Tijbosch studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Utrecht, and then at the Graphic Lyceum, which formed the basis for further developing her creativity.

”The wavy design and the strong interplay of lines show her graphic background and characterize her style.”

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Meandro 2021, Marmer, 56 cm, uncia €4500