Biemans, Frank

Biemans, Frank

‹ Collection FRANK BIEMANS The Netherlands, 1947 Glass art Just as the interval in music is the space between the notes, the spaces between the glass are an essential component in my work. Frank Biemans initially became known for flat glass objects, but these days he...
Niemeyer, Albert

Niemeyer, Albert

‹ Collection ALBERT NIEMEYER The Netherlands, Breda 1951 Painting Albert Niemeyer is self-taught. After training in lithographic drawing, he worked in zoos and as an advertising illustrator and designer. These experiences and his travels to Africa strongly influenced...
Schlösser, Marie-Thérèse

Schlösser, Marie-Thérèse

‹ Collection MARIE-THÉRÈSE SCHLÖSSER The Netherlands, 1953 Painting As a fine artist, Marie-Thérèse has more than 30 years of experience working with plaster, wax, bronze and marble. She paints using matter and builds installations of various materials. In 2015, she...
Pullens, Ans

Pullens, Ans

‹ Collection Ans Pullens Netherlands, 1953 Sculptural and ceramic Ans Pullens studied at the art academy in both Arendonk and Antwerp and works full-time as a visual artist. Ans has a completed High Degree in Ceramics and attended the Mosaic and Frescoes course,...
Otting, Ramon

Otting, Ramon

‹ Collection Ramon Otting The Netherlands, 1969 Painter For the painter Otting, the landscape is an enormous source of inspiration. The landscape reflects our state of mind, is pleasant, can heal or gives rise to contemplation. Otting’s work is all about nature...