Agema, Harry

Agema, Harry

‹ Collection Harry Agema Netherlands, 1946 Sculptures Harry Agema graduated in 1982 from the VL-VU (Lerarenopleiding) as a teacher of visual arts. However, he chose to become a visual artist and mainly specialized in ceramics and graphics. Now, almost 40 years after...
Lejeune, Bob

Lejeune, Bob

‹ Collection Bob Lejeune Netherlands, 1958 Sculpturen Bob Lejeune seeks a balance between figuration and abstraction. His work is full of symbolism and archetypes. He asks questions and tries to add an existential layer to his images, which touches the viewer. Every...
Lasak, Przemyslaw

Lasak, Przemyslaw

‹ Collection Przemyslaw Lasak Poland, 1958 Sculpturen The artworks of Przemyslaw Lasak command respect for their artisanal perfection, characterized by technical virtuosity combined with artistic daring. They are human forms with an almost alien appearance. Lasak...
Seerden, Tom

Seerden, Tom

‹ Collection Tom Seerden Germany, 1957 Sculptures The bronze landscapes of Serden were created while building. With a wooden or stone plinth as a starting point and a head full of memories to draw on, he gets to work. The result is a new world that clearly bears...
Gross, Stefan

Gross, Stefan

‹ Collection Stefan Gross Germany, 1964 Sculptures Gross started as an apprentice glazier at a stained glass school, where he learned to think in color. In 1988 he obtained his master’s degree in this field and subsequently completed the painting course in...