Desmet, Jacqueline

Desmet, Jacqueline

‹ Collection Jacqueline Desmet Belgium, 1959 Sculptures Jacqueline Desmet has been passionate about visual work for over 25 years. She has been a professional visual designer since 2000. Her cheerful, often colorful ceramic creations have made her famous. In the...
Tijbosch, Kitty

Tijbosch, Kitty

‹ Collection Kitty Tijbosch The Netherlands, 1969 Sculptures In 2015, Kitty Tijbosch got hold of a stone, hammer and chisel and she was instantly addicted to sculpting. The unruly material forces patience and focus; stone is unrelenting and offers no rematch. The wavy...
Zyga, Marek

Zyga, Marek

‹ Collection Marek Zyga Poland, 1968 Sculptures Marek Zyga was trained as a ceramist in the Polish city of Boleslawiec and has many years of experience working in all kinds of ceramics. The sculptures that Marek creates are made from chamotte clay. Zyga has an...
Vinck, Alex

Vinck, Alex

‹ Collection Alex Vinck Nederland, 1973 Sculpturen Alexander Vinck is an autodidact who is in no way traditionally formed in conventional art education. Since his childhood, he increasingly feels that he is looking for an answer to a crucial question: what is our...
Agema, Harry

Agema, Harry

‹ Collection Harry Agema Netherlands, 1946 Sculptures Harry Agema graduated in 1982 from the VL-VU (Lerarenopleiding) as a teacher of visual arts. However, he chose to become a visual artist and mainly specialized in ceramics and graphics. Now, almost 40 years after...